A Coordinated Strategy with Powerful Partners

Playing a key role in building Utah’s progressive political infrastructure, Utah Donor Collaborative is the big tent leader that guides organizations and coalitions towards success. We weave together the most impactful organizations and experts, strategically and intentionally.

The truth is, not everyone wants to engage in politics day-to-day, or has the time to. But most people have an issue they care about deeply. From quality schools for their children to access to affordable health services, nonprofit organizations are a vital connection between people’s everyday concerns and how they’re represented in government. 

By working with expert advocacy groups, we can bridge the gap between areas of Utah and different issues, uniting people who don’t work in the same communities. By coming together, we achieve more than we ever could alone.

Our State Partners

We collaborate directly with organizations working to create a healthy and just Utah. We activate them for urgent matters right now, and ensure they are supported for the long haul. Some of our partners include:

  • Alliance for a Better Utah advocates and holds public officials accountable. 
  • Better Boundaries advocates for voting districts that center the interest of voters, not politicians. 
  • Better Utah Institute educates Utahns on issues of public concern and increases civic engagement. 
  • O2 Utah has a mission to clean Utah’s air through elections and policy.
  • Rural Utah Project empowers voters who live in rural areas.

We are grateful to the expert nonprofit colleagues we have across Utah, including organizations representing youth, LGBTQIA+, BIPOC communities, and others who have traditionally been excluded. By working in coalition, we can create a more just and represented Utah.