We’re Hiring! Development & Operations Manager

We are excited to onboard our first-ever Development & Operations Manager to lead key aspects of our organization and make possible our scaling effort. Our Development & Operations Manager is passionate about Utah, optimistic about our state’s future, and an experienced organizer, movement builder, and/or nonprofit professional. With an ability to manage details and people, our Development & Operations Manager understands that policy and political transformation require diligence, strategy, and relationships. Their key responsibilities are: lead and execute our engagement strategy, support our fundraising and scaling effort, and serve as our primary administrative manager.

  • Position Title: Development & Operations Manager, Utah Donor Collaborative
  • Reports to:  Katie Wright, Executive Director 
  • Hours per week: Full time
  • Location: UDC’s team works remotely. The position requires frequent, in-person meetings in the Salt Lake area, and occasionally in-person meetings and work statewide and nationally.
  • Compensation: This position will begin as a contracted monthly retainer and transition to full-time and benefits in December 2024. 
  • $4,500-$6,000/month, depending on experience. 

To apply, submit a cover letter or video (no longer than 1 page or 1 minute), resume, and three references to katie@utahdonorcollaborative.com. References will not be contacted unless the candidate is a finalist and finalists will have the opportunity to notify their references before we make contact. In your cover letter or video, please address how your experiences match the key responsibilities and required skills outlined above. Your response must address the following questions:

  • What is your development experience? What development skills do you bring to the table?
  • What is your experience in building systems for growing organizations?