Empowering & Mobilizing Gen Z

Ignite! Utah, a program of the Utah Donor Collaborative, is a state-wide youth organizing campaign.

Our Mission

The Youth Is Not Our Future, They Are Our NOW!

Young voters are often seen as a monolithic group, but they are a highly diverse generation whose identities and experiences influence their political views and participation. Of the 41 million Gen Z voters eligible in 2024, around 45% are young people of color, including 8.8 million Latinos, 5.7 million Black youth, 1.7 million Asian Americans, and 1.8 million multiracial youth.

Our mission is to empower and mobilize Generation Z voters in Utah. We are committed to fostering civic engagement through education, resources, and grassroots action to ensure that every voice is heard and every vote counts.

Follow Our Progress!

Our Vision for Utah

Democracy Means Equitable Representation

Only 10% of Utah’s population identifies as Black, Indigenous, People of Color; however, one in six youth identify as B.I.P.O.C. By centering youth leadership, we aim to build a more inclusive and representative democracy, where our diverse communities are actively shaping the future.


Youth Civic Engagement Campaign

More than 8 million youth who need to be engaged will have reached voting age in 2024 since the 2022 midterms.


Register 18-25 youth to vote in Utah — 41 million members of Gen Z will be eligible to vote in 2024 elections.


Build a network of young people who can grow into leader/organizer roles in at least 4 of the 16 public Utah State Higher Education (USHE) colleges and universities.

Youth voters help us impact Utah's political landscape. Join us at Ignite! Utah — because when we stand together, we inhibit real change.


Build a team of young adults to engage people across the West Side of Salt Lake City in voting and other civic engagement activities.


Develop a plan and strategy for the 2025 statewide build-out of the Ignite! Utah organization.

A Team that Looks Like You, Serving You!

Ignite! Utah wants to represent you but more importantly we want to listen to you and hear from you. Please fill out our survey. Email us your events. Join us at local community events. Follow us on social media.

Meet Ignite! Utah’s Dynamic Team of Young Leaders

Ignite! Utah's team of young leaders is proudly Gen Z and deeply connected to Utah's community. With a passion for elevating youth voices in civic engagement, we are dedicated to addressing the issues that matter most to our generation.