Transforming Our State’s Political Landscape

Our Mission

Common Values

Democracy Means Equality, Freedom & Justice

It means having a representative government. Whether you care about reproductive rights, air quality, or access to equal opportunities, progress on these issues is all held back by the state legislature. They are inextricably bound. UDC is here to transform Utah politics and ensure that every voice counts.


Building a Politically Representative Utah

Inclusive & Equitable

We uplift youth, women+, LGBTQIA+, BIPOC communities that have traditionally been excluded, and people navigating financial hardship.

Power Building

We build power and the required infrastructure to change Utah’s politics for the better.


We are committed to democracy and political engagement at all levels.

Building a Politically Representative Utah


We are focused on long-term durable change achieved when we take it step-by-step, together.


We are committed to strategies that are pragmatic, data-driven, inclusive, and just; we are building a pipeline of leaders and organizations.

Join Us In Building a Just Future for Utah

A bright future is possible for all residents. One of the best ways you can have influence in Utah is to become a Utah Donor Collaborative member. Your donation is a statement that has a far-reaching, long-term impact.

We Love This State

By Joining Together, We Can Transform Utah's Politics

It’s high time for change in Utah politics and we have a plan. Our goal is a transformed Utah where fairness, justice, and opportunity are accessible to everyone.

We believe all Utah residents deserve political representation based on kindness, gender equality, economic opportunity, and a sustainable approach to the climate.

Our work ensures that Utah's rising generation is prosperous, healthy, and well-educated. All Utah kids deserve to have great opportunities and grow into productive community members of a well-governed state.


Utah Donor Collaborative encourages political engagement at all levels, from local elections to statewide initiatives. With our members, we support signature policies that reflect the needs and interests of Utah residents.

Together, we’re building a Utah where every voice is heard, every person is valued, and every community thrives. Together, we can transform Utah's political landscape for generations to come.

Working for Utah, Working for You

UDC is tightly coordinated with community leaders and political strategists. We scale and catalyze the growth of our partners, promote alignment among groups, and support collaborative work that has a greater impact statewide. We are strong allies in the policies and reforms for which they advocate, and build power to elect accountable and strong leaders.