Fair Districts, Accountable Government: The Story of Better Boundaries

“People across Utah often feel sheepish that they don’t know their state representatives,” noted the Executive Director of Better Boundaries. “But that is by design.”

Utah’s political maps — Congress, State Senate, and State House — are politically gerrymandered, despite the support of Utahns for an independent redistricting process and voter-centered standards. “We’ve measured it. The maps divide cities and counties across the state, making it difficult for people to navigate their own government.”

Better Boundaries received early support from Utah Donor Collaborative to bring fair maps and a transparent redistricting process to Utah. This support enabled Better Boundaries to launch their ballot initiative, win Prop 4, and now defend a fair process in the Utah Courts. 

The support went beyond just financial – although that was critical. Utah Donor Collaborative connected the founders with board members, expert consultants, and volunteers, ensuring the effort was strategic, resourced, and in collaboration with other organizations. They provided data that demonstrated that the legislature, because of gerrymandering, did not represent the people of Utah.  

More than six years later, Better Boundaries is financially supporting the plaintiffs in their lawsuit, fighting to protect Utah’s access to the ballot initiative at the legislature, and working to support candidates who believe in an accountable government. The sustained support of Utah Donor Collaborative and grassroots donors across Utah has kept this effort alive and effective.